I am a creature of habit. I’m not sure if that makes me super organized or a bit boring. Mondays usually find me changing the sheets on the bed, taking all trash to the dumpster (truck comes on Tuesday) and doing my heaviest house cleaning. I love a clean house, but I don’t much care for the actual chore of cleaning it. I really have to force myself to dust, sweep, mop etc. However, I do love to scrub my kitchen (like to see it sparkle) and do laundry. (Except for the folding and putting away part) I love the feeling of satisfaction I get from fresh laundry and a clean smelling house.
I’m OCD in a very strange way. I can’t stand to have a bed unmade, but I can leave three pair of shoes in the floor by the back door. It truly drives my very neat military man crazy.
My husband is a complete neat nick (no pun intended here) He loves things orderly and put in their places. However, he’s not a great one to actually CLEAN the down and dirty. He’ll put things away but never sweep, mop or scrub. He has even been known to take something I’ve left on the kitchen counter (watch, earrings, and stuff like that) and put them IN a kitchen drawer or cabinet to get it out of sight. I’m constantly looking for my stuff. It’s something that Callie and I laugh about all the time.
Tonight I’m making a Spanish rice casserole that Nick absolutely loves. I use a box mix (usually Rice A Roni) canned tomatoes and ground beef. After browning the beef, I add it to the cooked rice mixture, put in a casserole dish and top with grated cheddar cheese. Last time I made this, I had a half onion and some fresh mushrooms left from another dish and added them to the browning beef. Nick raved, so I guess that’s the new norm. I’m out of canned tomatoes so I’m thinking I’ll use Ro-tel tomatoes instead. He’ll love that too because it will be a bit spicier. Necessity is definitely the mother of invention!
Apple Cranberry Chicken Salad
15 hours ago
The casserole sounds simple, I love simple.
Simple is my middle name!
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