Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Week One

It's been a week tonight that I kissed my husband and said good-bye to him.  I have done very well this week and have remained positive.

I made a set schedule and kept busy, was productive at home on the days I had no other activities and have been feeling very good about everything.  Every night I mark another day off the monthly calendar and every morning I flip the blocks around on the daily calendar to mark another day.

Tonight, as I finished up and turned the lights out in the kitchen, I looked at the clock. 8:26 p.m.  At that moment it had been almost exactly, to the minute, a week since I'd seen Nick. For the first time during that week, I felt overwhelmed at the weeks that stretch out before me.

I forgot my own advice for just a moment. I always tell people, "Don't look at the whole chunk of time, it's too overwhelming. Instead, take a month at a time, plan something to look forward to during that month, and it helps." 

I'll be okay. It's just a weak moment. I have lots of good friends and activities to keep me distracted. I have surrounded myself with things that make me feel good.

 It's only nine months, right?  It's not 12 or 15 months anymore. Don't mind me, I'm just having a poor me moment. I'm going to bed and will awaken refreshed and ready to face another week.

I'd love to hear from others what makes deployments less painful. Keeping busy? Distracted? Counting days? I'm open to suggestions!!

Thursday, January 17, 2013


I know I say this every time I wander back over to my blog, but WOW, I can't believe it's been so long.
I knew exactly what I wanted to say, then I realized my Christmas background was still up and I hadn't posted since Thanksgiving. Oy!
To say the last 6 weeks or so have been crazy would be an understatement.
Between Nick being gone most of the holiday season, the Spouses' Club's events, our own Holiday Reception I planned completely without the man's help and the kids' visits, I was worn out.
The holidays were bittersweet for me. I thought my mom and sister would come out, they canceled and did not. Like I said, Nick was gone for much of December and I was a little out of sorts about that.
I enjoyed having the kids here and spending time with them.
Now all the kids are gone home, Nick has left for yet another deployment and I'm turning over a new leaf with the new year.
First on my list was to take care of me.
First order of business on taking care of me, was to schedule a day off. Here on our Army post a day a Soldier doesn't work, but isn't a holiday is called a DONSA (Day of no scheduled activities) So, today is my DONSA. I marked it off my calendar, told everyone I was unavailable, and am still in my PJs having coffee.
My DONSA doesn't mean I won't do anything today, it just means I pick what I do and there is no pressure to finish it.
I have to tell you... it feels GOOD!
So, all you busy people, schedule yourselves an occasional DONSA.  I would love to hear what you do on your "Day off"
