Saturday, September 4, 2010

Football, Hurricanes, and Ex-Wives...Oh My!

The last few days have been busy, but if I were to tell you what's been going on, it doesn't sound like much.
Thursday we sent our boy off to school. The first day of school just happened to be the day of the first varsity game (pre-season exhibition) so our athlete got to wear his jersey to school. How cool is that? He was pumped!

I was going to say he's been very patient with me and the camera, but honestly, he's eating up the attention. He actually used this photo as his new facebook profile picture. He came home from school just bubbling. I think that's quite an accomplishment considering it was his first day, at a new school. We've done well preparing him for this!
I took a similar photo with my phone so I could text it to his mom. I got no response from her. I guess that's one reason he's loving the attention we're giving him.
We attended the football game, which was just a half game really, and was for a fundraiser. Our boy didn't play. Officially, he's a member of the junior varsity team, but they let him dress out and stand on the sidelines with the older boys. He loves it.

Friday brought preparations for Hurricane Earl. We put all our lawn furniture away or secured it to the fence with bungees. I can't decide if my husband is a genius or if he's just crazy.

The sky grew grey and the rain started falling.... and I got excited. Then nothing else happened. The wind didn't blow, the rain didn't fall sideways, limbs stayed in the trees and we felt a little silly for all the prep. Better safe than sorry, right?
After school Friday the ex showed up to pick up our boy to spend the weekend with him in Boston. Oy. She's never been to my house. Some of our stuff used to be her stuff. She's loud and obnoxious and I just KNEW she'd say something about at least one item. Sure enough, she walked in the door, and immediately said she needed to go to the bathroom. We pointed her to the powder room and I just shook my head. Who does that? I would NEVER go to the bathroom in her house or my ex-husband's house for that matter. I would get in, grab a kid, and get out. Noooo... not her. She comes out and says "Wow, that bathroom looks familiar"  THEN she sees a small Americana quilt hanging in my hall and says "oh.. is that my quilt?"  Well, she said half that sentence, then corrected herself. She changed it to ... I remember that quilt, it sure is pretty.
I seriously had to make myself sit down in the living room so I wouldn't roll my eyes in front of her.
She touched a few things (my husband told me, I was hiding in the other room) as she walked to Alex's room as if she were remembering them fondly. Please. Maybe I should've reminded her that she left this wonderful man and all this Army life behind her. Regrets are a kick in the butt aren't they?
Anyway.. Alex left and we relaxed.
Today, post hurricane, is beautiful. We have all the windows open and the back yard put back together. My husband couldn't stand it and started very early this morning.


He was out there before 7:00 AM...seriously.
We're headed across the bay in the water taxi tonight for dinner. I know my beautiful weekends are numbered and that the taxi stops running at the end of September so I want to take advantage of it. 
Tomorrow is our sixth anniversary. This time six years ago we were hosting our "rehearsal" dinner in our Texas backyard. We hired a chuckwagon with a few cowboys and had steaks cooked over a fire pit. My husband's yankee family loved it! Here are a few photos of that evening.
I hired the chuckwagon on the advice of a friend. I hadn't experienced it or met the gentlemen in charge. This guy showed up at my house a few days before the event to check out the yard and the best way to get the wagon back there. When I answered the door and saw him standing there, the first words out of my mouth were, "Oh, you're just perfect!"

It was a great evening and we had so much fun. I would love to do something like this again. (not get married, just have a great party!)


Expat Girl said...

Glad you survived the hurricane and the ex wife!

Mindee@ourfrontdoor said...

I'd rather have a hurricane hit my house than an ex-wife. Sounds like you were well prepared for both though.
